Renew Your CORA Membership

CORA fees are based on the calendar year, January to December, and are non-refundable. All fees include GST (5%).

A CORA membership is required to participate or compete in all CORA events. CORA fees are based on the calendar year January to December and are non-refundable.

Please purchase your CORA membership at least 2 days before your race. The database is updated regularly but not on a real-time basis and race directors have limited access to real-time membership data on race day.

Adult Memberships

Become a CORA ADULT ANNUAL member or renew your ADULT membership by clicking here or on the icon below to register and pay your $30 (including GST) annual fee:

Junior Memberships

CORA offers $10 (including GST) annual memberships for those born during or after Y2005 (e.g. 19 or under). Click here or the icon below to register and pay for a JUNIOR ANNUAL membership:

By purchasing a CORA membership for a junior member, you acknowledge that you are the parent or guardian of the junior member and consent to the junior member’s membership in CORA and the use of the junior member’s personal information for CORA-related purposes, including e-mail communications with the junior member. CORA will not sell or provide personal information to any third parties for any other purpose without written consent.

Single Day Memberships

Memberships for a single day are available for individuals who don’t want an annual membership. An adult single day pass is $15 and a junior single day pass is $5 (including GST). Please remember that these passes are only valid for one specific day, which you must choose when you purchase the pass. Multi-day events require an annual pass or multiple single day passes (an annual pass is a better deal). An annual membership ($30 for adults and $10 for juniors) is valid for all races in a calendar year, including multi-day events. Please help support CORA by considering annual memberships in the future. Click on the appropriate icon below to purchase a single day membership.

Club Memberships

All CORA-registered outrigger clubs are required to renew their annual CORA club memberships before 30 April. Brand new clubs must also purchase a CORA club membership in order to be eligible for CORA club benefits, such as eligibility for travel and equipment grants, as well as access to CORA’s club insurance coverage.

To renew your club membership or to register a new club, and pay your $150 (including GST) annual registration fee, please click here or on the icon below.

Upon completion and purchase of your club membership, your club’s contact person will be emailed a link to a “CORA Club Membership Detailed Information” form, which includes an OC6 registry for your club. Once this has been submitted and processed, CORA will provide your club with a link to view your club membership status, as well as the membership status of all CORA-registered paddlers who are members of your club and who have paid their annual individual CORA fees.

NOTE: At its November 19, 2022 Pre-AGM Board Meeting, the CORA Board passed a requirement that all CORA Member Clubs, in order to be in ‘good standing’ for a calendar year, must by June 30 of that year, pay its CORA Member Club Annual Membership fee AND have at least 6 Individual (Adult or Junior) Annual CORA Members who are affiliated with that CORA Member Club.