Unlimited Canoe Distributors As Of 2020-December-15
The following table contains an approximate timeline of the history of Unlimited OC6 canoes. Each entry has a link to a web article that sheds more light on the individuals and their contributions during that time.
Each chapter of the chronicle is based on details contained within the web articles referenced in the chapter or from interviews conducted with individuals mentioned in the chapter. Much of this history is from many years in the past and reference material will become increasingly more difficult to locate as time goes on. Some of the web articles have been saved as documents to preserve the reference material in event the original article becomes lost forever.
# | Designer Builder | Make | Timeline | Reference |
CH-25 | Kamanu Composites (Woo) | Kamanu V6 | 2010 | 25-Kamanu |
CH-28 | ARE Va’a Tahiti | Matahina | 2012 | 28-Matahina |
CH-29 | Mike Giblin | Vortex | 2012 | 29-Vortex |
CH-30 | Johnny Puakea | Malolo | 2013 | 30-Malolo |

Kamanu Composites was founded in 2007. The company is centered out of Kailua HI, but has licensed local manufacturers in France (Woo) and Australia (Kamanu AUS) and distribution networks in Los Angeles, Seattle, Japan, and Hong Kong. Kamanu has been building Unlimited OC6s since 2010 including the Nanahope (205lbs) and the Elepaio (190lbs).
There are presently 2 Woo Kamanu OC6s at a single CORA club (H2O Outrigger) and a single non-CORA Canadian club (Wai Nui). There is also 1 Woo Da Kai OC4 at a single CORA club (Squamish). These Eastern Canada clubs have imported Kamanu OC6s from the France manufacturer due to the challenges of obtaining canoes from Hawaii manufacturers.

The ARE Matahina was first raced in Tahiti in October 2012 and then dominated the Hawaiki Nui Va’a in November 2012. The Tahitian ARE Matahina Unlimited OC6 at 130 Kilos (280lbs) is much heavier than the Hawaiian Unlimited OC6s (145lbs). ARE Va’a Australia in Mooloolaba QLD is the Australian distributor for the ARE Matahina. Newport Outrigger Canoe Club acquired the first ARE Matahina on the mainland United States. That canoe was borrowed by Team Air Tahiti, who finished 1st overall in its maiden race, the 2018 US Outrigger Championship’s Catalina Crossing.
There is presently only 1 ARE Matahina (privately owned) stored at a single CORA club (Lotus). Kenneth Ang collaborated with Will Reichenstein to introduce Canadian paddlers to the ARE Matahina. Will Reichenstein of the Wa’a House trailered the Newport Outrigger Canoe Club ARE Matahina “Aukuso Fuiaavailili” to Canada for Canadian clubs to try out resulting in several Lotus Sports Club members making a private purchase of this canoe. The ARE Matahina canoes come in two weight classes – Club Model @ 110 kgs (240 lbs) and Performance Model @ 95 kgs (210 lbs). There is a container of ARE Matahina V6s expected to be shipped directly to the Port of Vancouver in the Winter of 2020 / 2021.
The only other known ARE Matahina in the Pacific NorthWest is presently owned by Kikaha in Tacoma WA. Team Air Tahiti borrowed the Kikaha ARE Matahina for the 2019 Gorge Race and took 10 minutes off the course record set in 2018 by Red Bull Wa’a.

Ozone (Outrigger Zone) in Maui HI has been manufacturing canoes and products designed by Kai Wa’a, Puakea Designs, and Mike Giblin for over 25 years including the new Unlimited Puakea Malolo and Giblin Vortex OC6 canoes. Mike Giblin manufactured the Kaumuali’I out of an old workshop on Maui as an Unlimited OC6 prototype for the 2012 Olamau Race. Kai Aniani Canoe Club of Florida in September 2013 were one of the first outrigger clubs to take ownership of the new Giblin Vortex. Outrigger Zone has dealers in territories worldwide. JD Davies of Waterwalker in Carson WA has been selling canoes and surfskis in the Pacific NorthWest since 1994, and has been organizing the largest canoe race in the Pacific NorthWest for over 20 years, the Gorge Outrigger Canoe Race. As an Ozone distributor and manager of the Ozone Pacific NorthWest warehouse, JD Davies hosted an open house in July 2014 with Mike Giblin at the Gorge Outrigger Canoe Race with his new Vortex Unlimited OC6. There were no takers. In the summer of 2015, Lance Mamiya of Kennewick WA became the first owner of a Vortex Unlimited OC6 in PNWORCA and formed Team FreeLance.
There are presently 10 Giblin Vortex OC6s at 8 CORA clubs.

The (Johnny) Puakea Designs Unlimited Malolo (145lbs) is a refined design of the 2013 Olamau Race Shell Va’a winning canoe, the canoe that was built specifically using the Outrigger Zone (Ozone) one-piece construction. Outrigger Zone builds singles (OC1), doubles (OC2) and six-person outrigger canoes (OC6). Hana Hou Paddlesports (HHP) in Comox Valley BC owned by Don Irvine and Zoe Norcross-Nu’u has been the western Canada distributor for Outrigger Zone (Ozone) since 2013. ColdWater Canoe in Ottawa ON owned by Trevor Woodside has been the eastern Canada distributor for Outrigger Zone (Ozone) since 2017.
There are presently 11 Puakea Malolo OC6s at 8 CORA clubs and 2 non-CORA Canadian clubs.