The Peter Forand Masters Challenge Trophy is awarded after the PNWORCA Winter Series Championship race each year. OC1 masters (40+; 50+; 60+; 70+) females / males who complete a minimum of 3 PNWORCA Winter Series Races are eligible for this award. The 5 best scores out of 7 races over the year are used to calculate totals.
For more information about the Peter Forand Masters Challenge, CLICK HERE
The Canadian Outrigger Racing Association (CORA) and the Pacific NorthWest Outrigger Racing Canoe Association (PNWORCA) announced this annual trophy at the 2017 Winter Series small boat races.
This trophy was co-funded by both CORA and PNWORCA, but the whereabouts of this trophy is a mystery. CORA and PNWORCA are hoping to present this trophy at the PNWORCA Winter Series Championship race on March 28, 2020 with engraved names of all previous winners.
If you have any information leading to the return of this trophy to the CORA or PNWORCA Executives, please post contact information on the CORA Forum