The PNWORCA / CORA 2024 Small-Boat Racing Winter Series is in full swing. Canadian OC1 Masters paddlers have taken up the challenge to see a Canadian name on the Peter Forand Masters Challenge Trophy. Canadians travelled to the Wasabi / Portland #1 race. Canadians showed up big time for the Jericho / Vancouver #2 race. Canadians are now in 11 of the Top 20 places and 4 of the Top 8 places.
Canadian OC1 Masters paddlers will need to put in miles on the water and put in miles on the highway to bring the Trophy home. The PNWORCA 2024 Winter Series Race #4 is hosted by Bellingham Bay Outrigger Paddlers just across the Border on February 24. The PNWORCA 2024 Winter Series Race #5 is hosted by False Creek Racing Canoe Club in Vancouver on English Bay on March 2.

FCRCC is hosting the 5th race of 7 races in the PNWORCA / CORA 2024 Small-Boat Racing Winter Series. The race is Saturday March 2 at FCRCC Outrigger Compound at Burrard Marina in Vancouver (1628 Whyte Ave). There will be a long course (approximately 12 km) and a short course (approximately 4 km). The early bird fees of $21 for adults and $11 for juniors apply until February 16 when fees will increase to $26 for adults and $16 for juniors. Check-in on race day opens at 9:30 am, the safety meeting is at 10:15 am and the race starts at 11:00 am with multiple waves of mass starts. CORA memberships are required and must be paid in advance. PFDs and leashes must be worn. A light lunch and coffee, tea and hot chocolate will be provided. Registration closes at 5pm Wednesday February 28th! Registration is now open at Webscorer Registration Page