Welcome to CORA’s new website. If you have have recently posted or replied to a forum entry on the “old” website, please take a few minutes to review the appropriate forum, locate your post, and then register (or log in if you’ve already registered for forum use on the new site) and post an update about your post. In other words, has the item been sold? Did you find your spare paddler? We need your help to re-engage in current forum topics we had to “break” when we migrated them over to the new website. In cases where people would like to contact someone who replied to an archived post and can’t because the person who made the post is not identified in the transplanted entries, please email us at info@canadianoutrigger.ca and we will retrieve the contact information you require.
We are confident that CORA members will benefit from the improved functionality, interactivity and security made available to our members through these new forum platforms, as well as the option for members to take discussions private as they wish (for sales transactions, for example). This new private feature is available on the main forum menu — look for the button that says “Private Message” and proceed as prompted.