CORA Coach Panel #1 (Sat, Feb 6, 2021): Off Season and COVID Season Training

DATE / TIME: Saturday 6 February @ 4pm (Pacific)
CLICK HERE or below to watch recording

OVERVIEW: Join paddlers from around the world for an enriched discussion on the topic of the month. For our first “CORA Off-the-Water Coaches’ Corner” session, the focus will be on off season and COVID season training. Hosted by Leanne Stanley along with strength-and-conditioning coach Sherry Hunt, questions submitted ahead of time will be the basis of a facilitated discussion with the presenters and participants.

Seasons Greetings

Santa was a bit delayed this year what with the 14-day quarantines at every border, but there are some gifts at the CORA Cultural Continuity page if you are looking for some outrigger canoeing reading now that the Christmas and New Years festivities have quieted down.

What started out as a CORA Canoe Registry project in early 2020, resulted in a collection of historical documents after nine months, covering outrigger canoeing history in Canada 1980-2020. These PDF documents do not have the same level of detail as the VCKC – 50 Years of Paddling, but please feel free to share any outrigger canoeing stories that could add to the CORA historical archives. CORA is presently working on outrigger canoeing history for Eastern Canada, the Okanagan / Interior, and Vancouver Island.

This set of of historical documents can be found at the CORA Cultural Continuity page. A huge round of thanks to the CORA, PNWORCA, and SCORA members who contributed to these historical documents, including Grace Morissette, Jan Chavarie, Drew Mitchell, Boy Chun Fook, Bud Hohl, David Boulding, Hugh Fisher, Don Mulhall, Jim Mancell, Garry Mancell, Doug Mancell, Dan O’Donovan, Matt Kelly, Jude Turczynski, Donna Harrison, Val Simmons, Scott Borle, Andrea de Bruijn, Joan / Brent Patriquin, Wolfgang Presslauer, Sue Milligan, Barry Kosturos, Ross Creasy, Corey Teramura, Lynda Roberts, Kenneth Ang, Bob Disbrow, and so many others.