Final Virtual Race Results…and new races to come

The final results are in for the 3rd and final CORA spring 2021 virtual race series. Click HERE to visit our race results page.

Now that virtual racing is done, its time to introduce some real race options for the summer weeks ahead. Remember to revisit CORA’s 2021 Race Schedule to map out your summer race season, as well as fall and winter start line options.

First up is the FCRCC 2021 Around Bowen Island race, which has been repurposed for small boats. Scheduled for Sunday 25 July, the registration for this exciting race has solo (and double) iron and relay options. Click HERE to register.

Team Canada IVF Legacy (1992-2006)

The CORA Historical Committee has accumulated a wealth of stories / results / photos during the COVID downtime from individuals who participated in the 1992 Sacramento IVF World Sprints, 1994 Western Samoa IVF World Sprints, 1996 New Caledonia IVF World Sprints, and 1998 Fiji IVF World Sprints. If you were there in Sacramento in 1992, in Western Samoa in 1994, in New Caledonia in 1996, in Fiji in 1998, in Hilo in 2004, or in New Caledonia in 2006, and you have stories / results / photos that you wish to share with CORA, please contact the CORA Historical Committee or make a comment on this posting. CORA wishes to extend their gratitude to Heather Taylor and Robin Macnair for sharing IVF World Sprints stories / results / photos.

There is now a perpetual page dedicated to the 1992 / 1994 / 1996 / 1998 Team Canada IVF paddlers.

1994 Western Samoa IVF World Sprints Team Canada Ladies

Top row left to right – Brenda Flan (Davidson), Judy Shandler, Lauren Boyle (Whistler), Robin Macnair, Lisa Jerrett (Whistler), Linda Daigle (Whistler), Jeannie Goodlet
Bottom row left to right – Diane Shepherd, Jackie Webber, Heather Taylor, Jo Thomas (Whistler), Kendall (Kim) Macmillan, Marina McCready (Whistler)

CORA Town Hall #6 (Sat, June 26, 2021): All Things OC1, Great & Small

  • This discussion is hosted and led by CORA board directors with some hand-picked experts with knowledge and resources to make our members’ experiences with solo boats safe, productive, fun and rewarding.
  • Bring your questions. Here’s the range of topics we’re expecting to discuss…
    • tips and tricks for rigging boats
    • tips and tricks for safely tying down boats to vehicles and transporting via car- and truck-top
    • anyone tried to rig a boat on a beach? well, sand in your rigging is worse than sand in your shorts (there are solutions to this)
    • best practices for cleaning solo boats
    • storage tips: how to clean and protect your boat’s painted and mixed media surfaces
  • Imagine 90 minutes of discussion about solo outriggers; if this excites you, then please join us!

CLICK HERE or on the image below to view the recorded session.