Hugh Town Memorial Builder Award 2021

The purpose of the Hugh Town Memorial Builder Award is to recognize volunteers who have made significant and exemplary contributions to the Outrigger Canoe Racing Discipline of Canadian Outrigger Racing Association (“CORA”) within Canada in the Builder Category.

The CORA Board has approved Policy and Procedure relating to selection and awarding and administering the Award as per the Hugh Town Memorial Builder Award Policy.

The Hugh Town Memorial Builder Award is awarded after the CORA AGM. The CORA Board has reviewed nominations received for the past season and has recognized Don Mulhall of Penticton Racing Canoe Club as the 2021 recipient of the Hugh Town Memorial Builder Award.

Don Mulhall has a 25-year legacy of selfless volunteer effort to paddlesports in general and outrigger canoe racing in particular. He has made contributions to support Canadian paddlers at the international, national, provincial, and club level. He has been part of the Penticton Racing Canoe Club (PRCC) that has hosted the popular Penticton Duel In The Desert, Length Of The Lake Ultra-Distance, Okanagan Small-Boat Racing Series, Skaha Downwind event, Channel Parkway small-boat event and Penticton Dragon Boat Festival. He has served both on the Penticton Racing Canoe Club Executive continuously from 1999-2021 and on the CORA Board from 2017-2019.

CORA was finally able to have a Hugh Town Memorial Builder Award photo-op on a gorgeous afternoon in September 2021 at Barnet Marine Park between Lotus Poker Paddle heats with CORA Chairman (Ron Chin) making the presentation to Grace Morissette (2019 Recipient) with the Indian Arm backdrop in the distance.


CORA made best efforts through travel restrictions and wildfires and atmospheric rivers to have a Hugh Town Memorial Builder Award photo-op and presentation with Drew Mitchell (2020 Recipient) in the Okanagan, but this may need to wait until early 2022.


For more information about the Hugh Town Memorial Builder Award, CLICK HERE

2021 RME Grant Open Call

CORA is hereby issuing an Open Call for Member Clubs to submit 2021 Repair, Maintenace and Equipment (RME) Grant applications.

The following rules and conditions apply to the 2021 Open Call:

  • Completed RME Grant Applications must be received on-line through the CORA website  (date and time of receipt will be noted).  RME Grant expense Eligibility Criteria are set out at the foregoing link. 
  • The deadline for the submission of 2021 Open Call RME Grant applications is 6:00 pm, Friday, November 12, 2021.  
  • The CORA Board will consider the applications at its pre-AGM meeting on November 20, 2021 and reserves the right to consider factors other than time/order of receipt (i.e. size of Club, financial need, frequency of previous RME Grants) in awarding grants. Preference may be given to Member Clubs eligible in 2021 for an RME Grant.
  • The subject matter for the RME Grants remains the same (see sections 1 and 2 of the Eligibility Criteria on the RME Grant application form).
  • There are 10 grants available and the maximum grant amount remains at $1000.00.
  • Member Clubs for whom 2021 is their first CORA membership year remain ineligible for any RME Grant until 2022.
  • In addition, a CORA club must have paid its CORA Club membership fee and have at least 6 paid-up individual CORA members (i.e. an OC6 crew) to be considered “in good standing” for the purposes of RME Grant eligibility.  Any deficiencies in these requirements will need to be remedied before an RME Grant application can be approved by the Board.
  • The following Clubs are eligible for a 2021 RME Grant, have not submitted a 2021 RME Grant Application and remain eligible for the 2021 Open Call.  Beside each club name is your 2021 CORA club fee payment status and the number of paid individual CORA members affiliated with your club as of November 1, 2021.
Eligible Club2021
CORA Member Club Status
Individual CORA Members
Belleville Outrigger Canoe ClubNot Paid0
Calgary Canoe ClubPaid40
Club Bon AccueilPaid11
Delta Outrigger Kanu AssociationPaid19
Gibsons Paddle ClubNot Paid13
H2O OutriggerNot Paid0
Lotus Sports ClubPaid44
Nanaimo Ocean Paddling Club (+NPC)Paid125 (+3)
Ottawa River RunnersPaid7
Pemberton Canoe AssociationPaid2
Penticton Racing Canoe ClubPaid27
Powell River Outrigger Canoe SocietyPaid20
Shuswap Association for Paddling and RowingPaid1
Sproat Lake Canoe ClubPaid37
Squamish Paddling ClubNot Paid0
Sunnyside Paddling ClubPaid2
Thunder Bay Outrigger ClubNot Paid0
TSCC Maka Koa OutriggerPaid24
Vancouver Island Paddling ClubNot Paid4
Vancouver Ocean SportsPaid4
Victoria Youth Paddling ClubPaid11
Wailua Outrigger Canoe ClubPaid28
  • Member Clubs who received a 2020 RME Grant (including the 2020 Open Call recipients) are eligible for the 2021 Open Call.  The following clubs received a 2020 RME Grant.  Beside each club name is your 2021 CORA club fee payment status and the number of paid individual CORA members affiliated with your club as of November 1, 2021.
CORA CLUB2021 CORA Member Club Status2021 Individual CORA Members
Campbell River OutriggerNot Paid 0
Dragon Zone Paddling ClubNot Paid1
Fairway Gorge Paddling ClubPaid41
False Creek Racing Canoe ClubPaid102
Fort Langley Canoe ClubPaid47
Fraser Valley Paddling ClubPaid14
Jericho Paddling ClubPaid45
Kelowna Paddle CentrePaid16
Latitude 48 Paddling Club (+ORPC)Paid85 (+9)
Pacific Reach Paddling ClubPaid28
Pearson College Outrigger ClubPaid2
Prince Rupert Outrigger AssociationPaid14
Victoria Canoe and Kayak ClubPaid7
  • Member Clubs who have already received, have been approved to receive or already submitted an application for a 2021 RME Grant are ineligible for the 2021 Open Call (i.e. only 1 RME Grant per year).
  • Successful 2021 Open Call recipients will not be eligible for another RME Grant until 2023 (other than through a 2022 Open Call, if applicable).
  • Neither invoices nor receipts are required with your application, however, successful applicants must submit all receipts (not just invoices) before December 31, 2021. 
  • In your application under “Estimated Expenses”, please indicate if your expenses have already been incurred or whether they are future expenses. In the case of repair work or services, preference will be given to applications for reimbursement of costs already incurred. In the case of goods or equipment, preference will be given to goods already purchased or to goods that can be reasonably purchased by the end of the year (ie off the shelf items, not customized items). If your expenses cannot reasonably be incurred in 2021, you should apply in 2022 for a 2022 RME Grant.
    Receipts should name the Member Club to the extent possible (ie excluding retail store cash register receipts).
  • Payment will be made by e-transfer (indicate to what e-mail address please) or by cheque payable to your Club, not individuals.

CORA Town Hall (6 November 4pm Pacific): Lest We Forget – CORA Hall Of Fame

YOU’RE INVITED! CORA’s board invites you to attend our “Hall of Fame” Town Hall on Saturday 6 November (4pm Pacific) to virtually recognize our 2021 Hall Of Fame inductees. CORA is hosting this online presentation to recognize and virtually meet, through friends and colleagues, our 2021 inductees from across Canada and beyond.

Guest speakers include Kamini Jain, Dan O’Donovan (Calgary), Tony Hall (Nova Scotia), Karen Tomlinson (Pemberton), Mallorie Nicholson (Burloak / Victoria), Lynne Smith (Clipper Canoes, Vancouver), Mel Whittall (Open Ocean Outriggers, Vancouver), Doug Mancell (Lotus, Vancouver), and Andrea Dillon (DB Canada Hall Of Fame, Vancouver).

This is our opportunity to get to know individuals such as Jackie Webber, Hugh Fisher, Sheila Kuyper, James van Nostrand, Drew Mitchell, Garry and Jim Mancell, and Alan Carlsson, all of whom have made significant contributions to outrigger canoeing in Canada over their lifetimes as athletes, coaches, builders, and as pioneers. Although their histories have been published on the CORA website, their friends and colleagues have personal insights they want to share.

CLICK HERE or on the image below to view the recorded session.