2022 Repair, Maintenance & Equipment (RME) Grant Open Call

CORA is hereby issuing an Open Call for Member Clubs to submit 2022 Repair, Maintenance and Equipment (RME) Grant applications.  An “Open Call” means that the “once every 2nd year” limitation is removed and Member Clubs who received an RME Grant in the preceding year may apply.

The following rules and conditions apply to the 2022 Open Call:

RME Grant Applications must be submitted on-line through the CORA website’s RME Grant application form: https://www.canadianoutrigger.ca/cora-forms/repair-maintenance-and-equipment-grant-application/ (date and time of receipt will be noted).  The eligible expenses for the RME Grants remain the same (see sections 1 and 2 of the Eligibility Criteria on the RME Grant application form). This grant does not apply to the purchase, in whole or in part, of new or used canoes.

The deadline for the submission of 2022 Open Call RME Grant applications is 6:00 pm (Pacific), Thursday, November 17, 2022.

The CORA Board will consider the applications at its pre-AGM meeting on November 19, 2022 and reserves the right to consider factors other than time/order of receipt (i.e. size of Club, financial need, frequency of previous RME Grants) in awarding grants.  Preference may be given to Member Clubs eligible in 2022 but who have not yet submitted an application.

There are 15 grants available and the maximum grant amount remains at $1000.00.

Member Clubs for whom 2022 is their first CORA membership year remain ineligible for an RME Grant until 2023.  In 2022, the ineligible first year clubs are Aumakua Paddling Club, Ku’oko’a Outrigger and Star Nation Canoe Club.

Member Clubs who have already received, have been approved to receive or already submitted an application for a 2022 RME Grant are also ineligible for the 2022 Open Call (i.e. only 1 RME Grant per year).  In 2022, the following Clubs have already received an RME Grant:  Fairway Gorge Paddling Club, Fort Langley Canoe Club, Jericho Paddling Club, Latitude 48 Paddling Club, Penticton Racing Canoe Club, Sproat Lake Canoe Club and Victoria Youth Paddling Club. 

A CORA club must (a) have paid its CORA Club membership fee, and (b) have at least 6 paid-up individual CORA members (i.e. an OC6 crew) to be considered “in good standing” for the purposes of RME Grant eligibility. 

The following CORA Member Clubs have paid their 2022 CORA Club membership fee and are eligible for the 2022 Open Call if they have 6 paid-up individual CORA members.  Beside each club name is the number of paid individual CORA members affiliated with that Club as of November 8, 2022.  Any shortfall in the number of paid-up individual CORA members must be remedied before an RME Grant application can be approved by the Board.

CLUB2022 Club2022 CORA
Calgary Canoe ClubY27
Club Bon AccueilY3
Comox Valley Canoe Racing ClubY55
Delta Outrigger Kanu AssociationY12
False Creek Racing Canoe ClubY148
Fraser Valley Paddling ClubY17
Gibsons Paddle ClubY16
Haunani Outrigger Club / Club Outrigger HaunaniY19
Kelowna Paddle CentreY17
Leduc Boat ClubY6
Lotus Sports ClubY64
Maple Bay Ocean Canoe ClubY23
Nanaimo Ocean Paddling ClubY144
Pacific Reach Paddling ClubY23
Pearson College Outrigger ClubY18
Pemberton Canoe AssociationY3
Powell River Outrigger Canoe SocietyY19
Prince Rupert Outrigger AssociationY18
River RunnersY15
Shuswap Association for Paddling and RowingY1
Sunnyside Paddling ClubY3
Thunder Bay Outrigger ClubY2
TSCC Maka Koa OutriggerY71
Vancouver Ocean SportsY9
Vernon Paddling CentreY13
Victoria Canoe and Kayak ClubY13
Wailua Outrigger Canoe ClubY28

Successful 2022 Open Call recipients will not be eligible for another RME Grant until 2024 (except through a 2023 Open Call, if applicable).

Neither invoices nor receipts are required with your application, however, successful applicants must submit all receipts (not just invoices) before December 31, 2022.

In your application under “Estimated Expenses”, please indicate if your expenses have already been incurred or whether they are future expenses.  In the case of repair work or services, preference will be given to applications for reimbursement of costs already incurred.  In the case of goods or equipment, preference will be given to goods already purchased or to goods that can be reasonably purchased by the end of the year (ie off the shelf items, not customized items). 

If your expenses cannot reasonably be incurred in 2022, you should apply in 2023 for a 2023 RME Grant.

Receipts should name the Member Club to the extent possible (ie excluding retail store cash register receipts).

Payment will be made by e-transfer or by cheque payable to your Club, not individuals.

CORA Town Hall (5 November 4PM Pacific): Recognition East To West – CORA Hall Of Fame

The CORA Off-the-Water Video Forum Series resumes this October 2022 with blockbuster presentations on back-to-back weekends including Canadian Outrigger Hall Of Fame Induction on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5 ~ 4PM (PACIFIC) just 1 week after Outrigger Crew Selection on SATURDAY 29 OCTOBER ~ 4PM (PACIFIC).

CORA is hosting this online Town Hall presentation for 2022 Hall Of Fame inductees spread across Canada and the rest of the world. Microwave some popcorn, heat up a warm drink, curl up next to the fireplace, and join us this Autumn evening as our Inductees and Guest Speakers share with you some great stories.

Here is an opportunity to get to know those individuals who have been recognized this year such as Andrea Dillon, Grace Morissette, Don Mulhall, Rosemary Henry, Wendy Rae-Perkins, and Kamini Jain who have made significant and exemplary contributions to outrigger canoeing in Canada over their lifetimes as athletes / coaches-builders and as pioneers. Although their histories have been published on the CORA website, their friends and colleagues have personal insights they wish to share.

Guest speakers are being invited and are likely to include Leanne Stanley, Brian / Graham / Russell Henry, Doug Mancell, Ken Asano, Sheila Kuyper, Valerie Simmons, Nancy Botting, Susan Mott, Hugh Fisher, Melanie Whittall, Annie Boulding, and several other luminaries.

Topic: CORA Town Hall: Canadian Outrigger Hall Of Fame Induction
Time: Nov 5, 2022 4:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

2023 CORA-Sanctioned Race Submissions

Applications to host a CORA-sanctioned event in 2023 are now being accepted through the following webpage:

Please submit applications by Friday, November 4, 2022.

There is no guarantee that your proposed event will be approved for your preferred date, so please provide alternate dates.

Proposed CORA Cup races will not be co-scheduled with any other outrigger races. Regional races whose catchment areas or target participants do not significantly overlap may be co-scheduled. Please avoid co-scheduling with IVF World Distance Championships in Samoa August 10-18, 2023.

Subject to approval at the AGM, the CORA budget will provide a grant to partially reimburse costs and expenses incurred by the club hosting the Canadian National Outrigger Championships (contact us for further information).

The CORA Board will identify and try to resolve scheduling conflicts between applications prior to the Board’s Technical Meeting on November 20, 2022.

The proposed 2023 Race Schedule will be presented to the CORA Board for approval at the Technical Meeting.