Canadian residents may temporarily export personal effects (including high-value items such as canoes / bikes) for use on trips abroad. On returning to Canada, it is the individual’s responsibility to establish that such items were initially taken out of Canada and were NOT acquired abroad. To assist individuals in meeting this requirement, certain goods may be documented on an Identification of Articles for Temporary Exportation (BSF407) before leaving Canada. At the time of reimportation, the border services officers will accept this Identification Card (Green Card) as satisfactory evidence of the origin of the goods. This procedure is optional and is provided free of charge at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has recently been asking for proof of ownership of high-value items such as canoes / bikes upon return to Canada. Many Canadians acquired personal effects second hand many years ago without a formal Bill Of Sale. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has indicated that proof of ownership for personal effects may be demonstrated by providing photographic evidence of the personal effects at someplace readily identifiable as within Canada. Please see the attached photograph of the sign at the Kitsilano Canadian Coast Guard Station that specifically shows the Canadian address and the Canadian flag. Some place such as this would be an excellent site to take a photo with your canoe / bike before the next time that you take your personal effects across the Border into the USA. You can go inside the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) upon your return to Canada with such a photograph and they will issue you an Identification of Articles for Temporary Exportation (“Green Card”) for the next time that you take your personal effects across the Border into the USA.