Clinic Grant Application

This grant has been established to encourage outrigger paddling clubs to host CORA sanctioned clinics by assisting with expenses of hosting a clinic, in an amount of up to a maximum of $600.00 per clinic.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The proposed clinic must be hosted by a CORA member club.
  2. Clinic topics must related to the sport of outrigger canoe racing.
  3. Each club is limited to one application per clinic topic per year.
  4. A representative of the applicant club must submit a CORA Clinic Grant Application (see the form below) in accordance with the procedure set out below, including details of clinic topics, coach info, clinic location, dates, times and proposed number of participants.
  5. The proposed clinic must be open to all individual CORA members.
  6. The clinic grant (if approved) must be used for reimbursement of clinic-related expenses, such as boat rental fees, coaching fees and facility rental fees.

NOTE: The purpose of this grant is to offset some of the costs associated with hosting an outrigger paddling clinic that would otherwise be passed on to the participants. It is not intended to provide additional revenues in excess of the costs of the clinic. This grant has a fixed budget. Grant applications will be considered in order of receipt. Once the budget is exhausted, no further grants will be available. There is no guarantee that funds will be available or that your application will be approved.

Procedure for Applying for CORA Clinic Grant:

  1. You must submit to CORA, at least 1 month prior to the proposed clinic start date, a fully completed CORA Clinic Grant Application (in the form below). This includes an outline of the clinic schedule and topics.
  2. After the Clinic Grant Application form has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation message.
  3. CORA will confirm receipt of your application (noting any deficiencies) and inform you, prior to your proposed clinic date, whether your application has been approved (with grant amount, if approved).
  4. After your clinic has occurred, you must submit to CORA in one e-mail or package for reconciliation against your supplied application:
    • a final clinic expense summary, with copies of all receipts; and
    • a final clinic revenue summary, including fee charged and number of participants.
    • E-mail scanned copies of all receipts and pertinent documents to ““. Please include the letters “Clinic Grant”, plus the date, club name, and contact last name in the Subject Line of the email sent.
  5. Funds will be released via e-transfer once CORA has received and reviewed your final expenses and revenues. CORA reserves the right to adjust your approved grant amount based on your actual expenses and revenues (i.e if the full grant yields a profit)

Note: CORA now prefers e-transfers of funds.  E-transfers of funds will be sent to the applicant club or, with club and CORA permission, to an agreed individual (i.e. club representative or coach). Please indicate the e-transfer e-mail address in the form below.  If you do not accept e-transfers, alternate arrangements can be made.  Once you have filled out the application form, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of this form to submit your information to us.

CORA 28/03/20