CORA Coach Panel #1 (Sat, Feb 6, 2021): Off Season and COVID Season Training

DATE / TIME: Saturday 6 February @ 4pm (Pacific)
CLICK HERE or below to watch recording

OVERVIEW: Join paddlers from around the world for an enriched discussion on the topic of the month. For our first “CORA Off-the-Water Coaches’ Corner” session, the focus will be on off season and COVID season training. Hosted by Leanne Stanley along with strength-and-conditioning coach Sherry Hunt, questions submitted ahead of time will be the basis of a facilitated discussion with the presenters and participants.

CORA Town Hall #1 (Sat, Jan 23, 2021): Enduring the Pandemic

GUEST PARTICIPANTS: Jim Foti (Lanikai, Hawaii); Cheryl Skribe (Comox, BC)

The worldwide pandemic has put our sport in a state of flux. Event cancellations and restrictions on gatherings are testing club resilience and the spirit of athletes around the world. Although the news of promising Covid-19 vaccines ignites optimism in us all, we still live with the uncertainty of what our sport will look like over the next several months. We know the finish line to this pandemic is ahead, but we can’t quite tell how far it is.

Join us for the first town hall meeting of CORA’s Off-the-Water Series to discuss enduring the pandemic’s long game for OC clubs, crews, and athletes. Jim Foti, director of the Kanakai Kaika Race Association and leadership coach at Lanikai Canoe Club, will share stories of challenges and solutions from Oahu, Hawaii. Vancouver Island’s Cheryl Skribe of Hana Hou Paddlesports will contribute Canadian perspectives to the conversation from their paddling community in Comox.

We hope you can join us for what promises to be an insightful and engaging conversation.

This meeting was not recorded.