Race results: FGPC Brotchie Reach crew boat races 4 May 2019

27 crews participated in FGPC’s 13.5km Brotchie Reach crew boat races on Saturday 4 May. Aside from a start-line huli, a mid-race bridge lift for a barge, and the inevitable ferry and aircraft traffic, the day ran smoothly and presented all crews with competitive race conditions on unusually calm seas. Safe racing is a tribute to the calibre and good sportsmanship of all participating crews. Special acknowledgement is due to Maple Bay’s mixed outrigger crew for recovering from a crowded start-line huli and completing the race like professionals. And kudos, as always, to all steerspeople for navigating Victoria’s complex working harbour without incident. Open water races within Victoria’s commercial harbour and busy aerodrome would not be possible without the diligence and good instincts of every steersperson on the water. Well done, one and all!

CLICK HERE for race results.

Mignon Fontenelle (Sand Point Outrigger Canoe Club) wins 2019 Peter Forand Masters Challenge

The 2019 PNWORCA Winter Series winner for the Peter Forand Masters Challenge is once again Mignon Fontenelle (Sand Point Outrigger Canoe Club) in the Women Masters 40+ OC1 Division. The 2019 PNWORCA Winter Series event organizers recognize Mignon Fontenelle for the second consecutive year as the Peter Forand Masters Challenge winner after the Winter Series championship race in accordance with guidelines as the Female or Male Masters (40+ / 50+ / 60+ / 70+) paddler with the highest number of points across all age / gender brackets at the end of the Winter Series.

Congratulations to Mignon Fontenelle as she continues to demonstrate commitment and excellence in Winter Series small-boat racing.

It was a successful 2019 PNWORCA Winter Series for Canadian paddlers as well who competed in a minimum of 3 races:

  • Tony Hodanic – OC1 Men Open – 2nd Place Overall in the Series
  • Ken Asano – OC1 Men Masters 50+ – 3rd Place Overall in the Series
  • Bob Stewart – OC1 Men Masters 60+ – 3rd Place Overall in the Series
  • Robbie Magus – V1 Men Masters 40+ – 1st Place Overall in the Series (Team Canada Distance 2019)
  • Graeme Galves – V1 Men Masters 50+ – 1st Place Overall in the Series
  • Jaye Kerzner – V1 Women Masters 60+ – 1st Place Overall in the Series (Team Canada Distance 2019)

For more information about the Peter Forand Masters Challenge, CLICK HERE

CORA is Looking for Volunteers

CORA is looking for volunteers in two areas,

1) Volunteer Writers for a planned CORA Newsletter, and

2) Volunteers to Track CORA Club Points.

If you are interested in volunteering in either of these two areas please review the details below and contact our communications group.

Volunteer Writer – CORA Newsletter

Connect with the outrigger racing community! CORA is looking for awesome volunteer writers to help start an e-newsletter for the paddling community. We are looking for volunteers who could assist with creating, writing and editing a regular newsletter for CORA members and affiliated clubs. Stories in the newsletter will also be published on CORA’s social media channels. If you’re passionate about connecting the paddling community from coast to coast, this might be the perfect volunteer position for you!


  • In collaboration with CORA Board members, develop and write content to connect the outrigger paddling community in Canada
  • Connect with paddlers from different club affiliations and backgrounds to interview and feature in the e-newsletter
  • Create and write articles on topics such as CORA Cup races, safety rules reminders, paddling/steering clinics, etc.
  • Engage the CORA membership with each other and with the benefits that CORA provides

Desired Skills:

  • Some writing experience would be preferred, but not necessary
  • Ability to meet deadlinesGreat interpersonal skills

Volunteer CORA Cup Points Tracker

For many years the CORA Cup has been annually awarded to the club with the most points within the CORA Cup race series, and to the top 3 teams in their respective division and age category. With an increasing number of teams taking part in the race series, we’re looking for detail-oriented volunteers who could give us a hand with tracking the points!


  • Collect race results from CORA Cup races and input them into a spreadsheet in a timely manner
  • On the spreadsheet, allocate eligible teams to their correct division and category, and assign their respective points
  • As necessary, liaise with Race Directors in order to confirm teams’ eligibility for CORA Cup points
  • Assist with the final tabulation of CORA Cup points and the handling of awards at the National Championship

Desired Skills:

  • Intermediate knowledge of Excel
  • High attention to detail
  • Ability to learn and implement rules of CORA Cup race series