[Updated June 2, 2021]

CORA clubs in British Columbia, take note. Effective May 25, 2021, by order of BC’s Provincial Health Officer, British Columbia has implemented Step 1 of its four-step Restart Plan. Step 1 of the Restart Plan allows for the resumption of outdoor group sports for adults and youth, including practices and competitions, but generally prohibits spectators at any sport activities and prohibits travel between the three provincially designated travel regions (Vancouver Island, Vancouver/Fraser, Northern/Interior) for athletic activities. Subsequent steps in the Restart Plan will further loosen COVID-19 restrictions. Information on BC’s Restart Plan is available HERE.
BC member clubs may resume OC6 and OC12 training in accordance with the Restart Plan. Practices and competitions are allowed for athletes only within their home clubs and no spectators are allowed.
For Step 1 of the Restart Plan, viaSportBC is not taking a prescriptive approach to guidance as it did in Fall 2020. The cohort model previously established by viaSportBC is no longer required, allowing greater flexibility in crew selection and program participation. Physical distancing is not required on the field of play (i.e. on the water), allowing paddlers to be ‘in contact’ with each other in the canoe, with groups of up to 50 persons allowed on the field/water. However, off the field of play (i.e. on the dock and on dry land), physical distancing of 2 metres is still required and group size is limited to 10 persons, so crews must remain separated when prepping, launching, hauling out, cleaning and storing canoes. Sanitizing boats and surfaces are no longer required, but the continuation of COVID protocols such as pre-practice screening and mask usage where physical distancing cannot be maintained are recommended. For those members clubs with indoor facilities, the restrictions in effect prior to May 25, 2021 still apply.
viaSport’s Return to Sport Restart 2.0 chart is available HERE.
CORA recommends that members clubs take a cautious approach and recognizes that some member clubs may wish to impose stricter requirements than the Restart Plan allows, which may include training in cohorts or limited size groups. BC member clubs may wish to amend their cohort crew boat training protocols developed pursuant to CORA’s Return to OC6 Guidance issued September 23, 2020, and available HERE, or resume their protocols without change.
CORA will provide additional updates as the Restart Plan progresses.