Team Canada IVF Legacy (1992-2006)

The CORA Historical Committee has accumulated a wealth of stories / results / photos during the COVID downtime from individuals who participated in the 1992 Sacramento IVF World Sprints, 1994 Western Samoa IVF World Sprints, 1996 New Caledonia IVF World Sprints, and 1998 Fiji IVF World Sprints. If you were there in Sacramento in 1992, in Western Samoa in 1994, in New Caledonia in 1996, in Fiji in 1998, in Hilo in 2004, or in New Caledonia in 2006, and you have stories / results / photos that you wish to share with CORA, please contact the CORA Historical Committee or make a comment on this posting. CORA wishes to extend their gratitude to Heather Taylor and Robin Macnair for sharing IVF World Sprints stories / results / photos.

There is now a perpetual page dedicated to the 1992 / 1994 / 1996 / 1998 Team Canada IVF paddlers.

1994 Western Samoa IVF World Sprints Team Canada Ladies

Top row left to right – Brenda Flan (Davidson), Judy Shandler, Lauren Boyle (Whistler), Robin Macnair, Lisa Jerrett (Whistler), Linda Daigle (Whistler), Jeannie Goodlet
Bottom row left to right – Diane Shepherd, Jackie Webber, Heather Taylor, Jo Thomas (Whistler), Kendall (Kim) Macmillan, Marina McCready (Whistler)

Canadian Outrigger Hall Of Fame 2021


Following the 2020 Annual General Meeting, CORA announced the creation of a new award to acknowledge Athletes, Coaches-Builders, and Pioneers in the sport of outrigger canoeing in Canada. The Canadian Outrigger Hall Of Fame (HOF) Policy / Process has recently been approved by CORA after several months of discussion.

Nominations for selection may be made by any CORA member or club representative of any active CORA club in Canada through the CORA website. Individuals may be “Active” or “Retired” or “Posthumous” at the time of their nomination. CORA has already received over a dozen nominations and has compiled detailed biographical histories on these individuals. Nominations must be received by June 16 to be considered for the July ballot to be voted on by the CORA Awards Committee.

Canadian Outrigger Hall Of Fame

Although the Canadian Outrigger Hall Of Fame has no inductees at this time, there is a CORA website perpetual page that contains a Mission Statement, a link to a HOF Policy / Process document, a link to a Nomination Form, a table of Inductees / Years, and a grid of Photos. Note that by clicking on the Inductee Name in the table or the Inductee Photo / Name in the grid, the user may view the “inductee” sample bio.

The Nomination Form has been streamlined to encourage CORA members to acknowledge one another. Please provide contact information, a few details on why you believe the nominee should be considered for the Canadian Outrigger Hall Of Fame, and we will follow-up with you to fill in the nominee bio.

Beau Whitehead (Kikaha O Ke Kai) wins 2021 Peter Forand Masters Challenge

The Peter Forand Masters Challenge trophy was AWOL for 2017 and 2018 and 2019. Once the trophy was recovered, we were finally able to present it to Peter Marcus, the 2017 champion, at the 2020 FCRCC Winter Series race, and to Mignon Fontenelle, the 2018 and 2019 and 2020 champion, at the 2020 Jericho Winter Series race.

2021 has been another exceptional year for the PNWORCA Winter Series. There were no PNWORCA Winter Series Canadian events for the first time. There were 3 virtual PNWORCA Winter Series USA events and 2 onsite PNWORCA Winter Series USA events.

There were only 6 PNWORCA paddlers and 2 CORA paddlers who participated in at least 3 races to place 1st or 2nd in their boat / gender / age division. There were only 5 OC1 Masters paddlers who participated in at least 3 races.

Discussions between PNWORCA and CORA resulted in agreement that there was indeed one OC1 Masters paddler who not only participated in in a minimum of 3 events in the same Division and was first in Points, but dominated OC1 Masters paddling by financially supporting all host clubs and finishing 1st place OC1 Masters in 3 virtual Canadian Small-Boat Winter races, 3 virtual PNWORCA Winter Series USA events, and 2 onsite PNWORCA Winter Series USA events – including the Sand Point Championship race.

The 2021 PNWORCA Winter Series winner for the Peter Forand Masters Challenge is Beau Whitehead (Kikaha O Ke Kai) in the Men Masters 50+ OC1 Division. The 2021 PNWORCA Winter Series event organizers recognize Beau Whitehead as the Peter Forand Masters Challenge winner in accordance with guidelines as the Male or Female Masters (40+ / 50+ / 60+ / 70+) paddler with the highest number of points across all age / gender brackets at the end of the Winter Series.

Congratulations to Beau Whitehead as he continues to demonstrate commitment and excellence in Winter Series small-boat racing.

Virus permitting, we would like to present this trophy to Beau in person at the next race that physically happens.

For more information about the Peter Forand Masters Challenge, CLICK HERE