Sand Point Outrigger Canoe Club will be hosting the PNWORCA / CORA 2025 Small-Boat Racing Winter Series Championship on Lake Washington in Seattle on Mar 29. The 9-mile long and 5-mile short courses will be challenging. The racecourse may be changed due to wind and weather in the interest of paddler safety. Pre-Registration via Pacific Multisports is $30 USD (includes race fee, lunch, insurance). More information may be found on the PNWORCA Events Calendar. Please note that the birthdate you enter will be used to determine your Age Division.
This has been a challenging year for PNWORCA 2025 Winter Series racing with winter weather conditions causing cancellation of one event and making for freezing / windy / rainy days at six other events. Yet over 60 Masters 40+ / Masters 50+ / Masters 60+ / Masters 70+ / Female / Male OC1 paddlers have participated so far to compete for the Peter Forand Masters Challenge Trophy where the Winter Series Finale will determine which of these OC1 Masters paddlers will hoist the Peter Forand Masters Challenge Trophy during the Awards Presentation.
Even though the PNWORCA Official Winter Series Points System Rules state: You must complete at least 3 races in the series to qualify for awards, which are presented at the final race at the end of the season. Awards are given to the Top 3 Finishers. The PNWORCA Official Winter Series Points System Rules have not been updated to reflect that the PNWORCA / CORA Small-Boat Racing Winter Series Championship Event host is now conferring awards only to participants at the Championship race based on placings. Please take this opportunity to support Washington and Oregon clubs who send paddlers to support Canadian events.
CORA / PNWORCA continue to track Winter Series Points / Participation for all participants at all Winter Series races. The Peter Forand Masters Challenge Trophy will be presented in-person to the Top OC1 Masters paddler across the 7 Winter Series races at the Championship Awards presentation. CORA will also acknowledge on the CORA website any Canadian paddlers that are one of the Top 3 Finishers in their Boat / Gender / Age Division.