The 2024 Lotus Poker Paddle will be held on Saturday, September 14. This is a fun race in outrigger canoes…with boisterous competition on and off the water! Each team will pick up 4 cards somewhere on the racecourse. These 4 cards will form part of your poker hand; your final card will be dealt at the finish line. Extra cards can be purchased at $5 per card from the dealer. Best poker hand wins…but there are also place prizes for each heat.
All proceeds from this race go to the Lotus Youth Program.
Please note that as of September 6, all heats (9:00 AM, 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:45 PM) are now full.
Race results: https://www.canadianoutrigger.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024-Poker-Paddle-Race-Results.pdf