In 1989, the Lotus Sports Club organized the first outrigger race in Canada, the Lotus Iron Race. The 2023 Lotus Iron Race will not only be the 34th anniversary of outrigger racing but also the 2023 Canadian Outrigger Nationals! Be part of Canadian outrigger history!
9:00 am Short Course (about 10km) – short course crews in all divisions and categories
11:00 am Long Course (about 18km) – Women & Mixed Master 40+, 50+, 60+, 70+
1:30 pm Long Course (about 18km) – Men & Open Mixed
Awards and draw prizes will be presented at the clubhouse after each heat.
Our celebrated Lotus BBQ will follow each of the heats.
To register, email the Registration Form to LotusIronReg@LotusSports.com
Registration deadline is midnight on Tuesday, July 18th; No race day registrations.
Information: https://lotussports.com/races/lotus-iron-and-small-boats-races/
Registration Fees:
$ 270 per crew
Registration fee waived for Junior or Keiki crews but registration is still required
(CORA is sponsoring Keiki and Junior crews and will cover the registration fee).
All paddlers must have valid CORA membership – pay your annual or single event CORA.
The Ho’okani band and ‘Ehulani Bentley and Kēhau Yong will be performing and bringing the spirit of aloha to the race.
Junior/Novice Outrigger Paddle Grant:
Junior and novice participants in all CORA Cup Series races are entered into a CORA-sponsored draw to be held at the Lotus Iron & CORA Nationals; 8 winners will receive a gift-certificate to redeem for an outrigger paddle. Please indicate names of Novice and Junior paddlers on your registration form or submit names to race registrars.
Canadian Small Boats Outrigger Nationals will be hosted by Vancouver Ocean Sports on English Bay on Sunday, July 23rd, 2023. Details to come.